Barefoot walking: The benefits of earthing

Have you ever heard of Earthing or Grounding? This approach is about the effects that direct physical contact with the electrons on the Earth's surface has on our health. When you walk barefoot in nature, you are automatically connected to the Earth's surface.
Numerous testimonials suggest that through the connection to the electrons on the Earth's surface, fascinating physiological as well as psychological changes occur in the body, enhancing well-being and health. Among other things, it is reported that walking barefoot outdoors or sitting or lying in nature can alleviate pain and balance sleep disorders.
Scientific studies, such as those by Chevalier et al. 2012 or Sokal & Sokal 2011, also show that subjects who practiced Earthing experienced positive effects on their bodies. In this article, we take a closer look at the topic of Earthing.
Earthing in Human History
In prehistoric times, people either walked barefoot or wore improvised footwear made from animal hides to better protect their feet. Additionally, prehistoric humans slept on the ground, usually on animal skins or hides, to better shield themselves from the cold. Back then, humans were always in direct contact with the electrons on the Earth's surface.
Nowadays, by wearing shoes with thick soles, living in solid houses, or walking on paved surfaces, we are almost completely disconnected from the electron flow of the Earth's surface.
Could the significant increase in chronic diseases, sleep disorders, immune, and inflammatory diseases also be related to our disconnection from the Earth's surface? Chevalier et al. 2012 address this question in their study, showing the positive effects of Earthing on our health.
The Principle of Earthing and Walking Barefoot
Surely you have experienced how good it feels to take off your shoes and place your feet in the grass. Many also find walking barefoot on a sandy beach to be an absolute delight. But why does it feel so good to touch the Earth's surface with bare feet?
Simply put, when walking barefoot, an energy exchange occurs with the Earth. Our body, like the Earth, is electrically charged. Through Earthing, we connect with the Earth's energy. By walking barefoot, unwanted electrons that cause stress and fatigue are released, and beneficial energy is absorbed.
According to Chevalier et al. 2012, the Earth's surface is an omnipresent, surprisingly beneficial, yet overlooked global resource for maintaining health, disease prevention, and clinical therapy.
Earthing in Practice – How Long Should One Walk Barefoot?
After just 80 minutes of barefoot walking, there is better oxygen supply throughout the body, and metabolism is boosted. At the same time, the energy exchange during earthing ensures that pain and inflammation are alleviated. The whole body feels energized. No wonder we find barefoot walking on natural ground so pleasant.
How often one should practice earthing to feel positive effects cannot be answered universally. It is important to listen to one's own body. Once you have consciously experienced the benefits of earthing on your own body, you will best know when you need the healing earth energy again.
By the way, it is not necessarily necessary to always walk barefoot. You can also practice earthing quite comfortably on a garden chair by simply placing your bare feet on the natural ground while reading a book.
To achieve a greater effect, you can lie on the grass with your whole body or perform exercises such as yoga, Qi Gong, or Tai Chi.
Health Benefits of Earthing During Sleep
Studies show that connecting to the earth during sleep also has enormous positive effects on the body. This can be easily realized through special conductive mattresses or pads.
Sokal & Sokal 2011 concluded in their study that grounding the human body during nighttime rest causes a reduction in serum concentrations of iron, ionized calcium, and inorganic phosphorus as well as a decrease in renal excretion of calcium and phosphorus. Furthermore, earthing during nighttime rest positively affects the formation of thyroxine, a hormone important for the thyroid.
Even patients with diabetes were able to lower their blood sugar levels during the continuous application of earthing during sleep.
Further studies show that grounding also has enormous effects on stress levels. Various measurement methods found that grounded patients had significantly better values than those in the control group (Chevalier et al. 2012).
Many testimonials and studies clearly show that the energies of the earth's surface have a positive effect on our health. Therefore, it is important to reconnect with these energies. This can be easily realized through regular barefoot walking.
Practice Barefoot Walking – Our ZAQQ Barefoot Shoes Help You
The foot is naturally made for barefoot walking. We do not need modern shoes that are shock-absorbing and have a much too thick sole with a heel. Quite the opposite, they disconnect us from the earth's surface and its energies.
Unfortunately, we are no longer accustomed to walking barefoot these days and often cannot move without shoes for more than 10 minutes, as muscle tension or even pain occurs after a short time. Those who have been exclusively wearing modern footwear for years need to get used to it first. Muscles need to be built up, and the ligaments and tendons need to become more flexible again.
An alternative to training barefoot walking with footwear is barefoot shoes. They allow your foot to move naturally. Our ZAQQ barefoot shoes are all equipped with an especially thin and highly flexible sole, allowing your foot to roll naturally. Additionally, they are designed to give your foot enough space to move freely. Barefoot shoes may initially seem too wide, but you will realize after some time that your foot needs this space because it builds muscles necessary for a safe and stable gait during natural walking.
Gaétan Chevalier, Stephen T. Sinatra, James L. Oschman, Karol Sokal, Pawel Sokal 2012: Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons, J Environ Public Health. 2012: 291541.
Karol Sokal, Pawel Sokal 2011: Earthing the Human Body Influences Physiologic Processes, J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Apr; 17(4): 301–308.